This form allows you to order short code numbers for your messaging campaigns.
This function is available via our new GraphQL API. You can read more about how to authenticate to this API here.
Mutation - Submit a short code form (order)
Using a GraphQL mutation you can submit the form, the example command is below. This creates an order which will be verified and the short code numbers will be ordered based on the submitted data.
The payload should be formatted like this, do note that the attachments is an array of base64 encoded images and/or docs.
"businessName": "ACME Inc.",
"businessRegisteredAddress": "Street 1B",
"businessRegisteredCity": "Denver",
"businessRegisteredState": "Colorado",
"businessRegisteredZip": "123467",
"businessContactFirstName": "John",
"businessContactLastName": "Doe",
"businessContactEmail": "",
"businessContactPhone": "12345678910",
"useCase": "We'll be sending promo messages using short code numbers",
"termsAndConditionsWebsite": "",
"privacyPolicyWebsite": "",
"callToActionLocations": "top and bottom of the page at",
"callToActionLanguage": "JOIN NOW, SAVE MONEY, etc.",
"optInKeywords": "JOIN",
"optInConfirmation": "YES",
"welcomeMessage": "Welcome to our shortcode campaign!",
"exampleAlerts": "New offers available! Join now to save 20%.",
"helpResponseText": "This is the HELP menu:\n\nSend STOP to stop all messages.",
"You used STOP to stop all messages, you'll no longer recieve any promo messages from us.",
"customerSupportContactEmail": "",
"customerSupportContactPhone": "18881231234",
"customerSupportUrl": "",
"attachments": [
Query - list short code form orders
To retrieve the status of the request, and to list your short code orders you can use the query bellow.